Special Offer Recently Viewed

Market Growth GICs

Earn a total of up to 12.00%1 over 3 years with a TD Canadian Banking & Utilities GIC
  • 100% guaranteed principal no matter which way the markets move
  • Guaranteed minimum return
  • Higher potential return up to a maximum
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TD Special Offer GICs2

Earn a higher rate than traditional GICs and maintain the safety you expect
  • Your original investment and interest payments are guaranteed
  • Competitive interest rates guaranteed for the term of your investment
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Cashable GICs

Cashable GICs give you the flexibility of cashing early
  • Flexible terms, up to 5 years
  • Access to your funds: Cashable in full or in part, subject to terms and conditions
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Non-Cashable GICs

Non-Cashable GICs generally offer a higher return than cashable GICs for your fixed-term investments
  • Your original investment and interest payments are guaranteed
  • Competitive interest rates guaranteed for the term of your investment
  • Flexible terms ranging from 30 days to 5 years
Special Offer Recently Viewed

TD U.S. Dollar & Foreign Currency Term Deposits

Spread your money among some of the world's currencies
  • Competitive interest rates guaranteed for the term of your investment
  • Flexible terms ranging from 30 days to 365 days
  • Protect your money against exchange rate fluctuations
Special Offer Recently Viewed

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